Sunday, August 3, 2014

Time Flies

Tonight as I sat with my little boy in the rocking chair of his room, I realized how fast this past year has gone by. Many people say that they want their babies to stay little forever and I'm just not one of those people, but today was different. Today I looked at my little boy who was snuggling with me and realized that he won't always want to cuddle up with his mom. One day he'll grow up, get married, and have a life of his own and he will want to snuggle up with a different woman and that's ok. That's how God designed it, but tonight, he's my little boy and I don't have to give him up for a long time. I'm going to cherish the rare snuggles and extra hugs I get from him and know that for a while at least, I'm the #1 woman in his life. I love my little boy even on the hard days and I'm so thankful that he's mine. It's been a great almost year and I'm soaking up every last minute before he turns 1 year old this Saturday.

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